Juhwan Lee’s research focuses on the effects of climate and land use change on ecosystem soil carbon and nitrogen cycling. His general approach is to use empirical and biogeochemical modelling to predict the complex interactions between soil, vegetation, carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions in agroecological systems across different scales.
He received a B.S. in 1999 and an M.S. in 2001 from Inha University, South Korea. He received his PhD research in ecosystems and landscape ecology from University of California-Davis. After that, he worked as a Postdoc and a Project Scientist at University of California-Davis until January 2013 and then as an Oberassistent at ETH Zurich in Switzerland from 2013 to June 2017. He stayed in Australia as a Research Scientist at CSIRO from July 2017 to January 2019 and a Senior Research Fellow at Curtin University from February 2019 to August 2020.
He joined Gyeongnam National University in September 2020 as an assistant professor.
Field of study: landscape and ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, agroecology, precision agriculture
Research interest: Assessment of changes in carbon and nitrogen cycling under climate change, development of sustainable agricultural practices, agroecosystem monitoring and modeling
Publications (link): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Juhwan_Lee3
Connection with Australia: CSIRO Land and Water, Soil and Landscape Science Group at Curtin University
Contact info: Juhwan.lee@gnu.ac.kr