Jae-Eun Noh is working at the University of Western Australia as Research Associate. Her current research project is centred on emotions in Korean aid and development. Her research interests are influenced by 5 years of experience in international NGOs and supported by studies in a range of intersecting fields. Jae-Eun holds a PhD in development studies from the University of Queensland (Australia), an MA in social development from the University of Sussex (the United Kingdom), an MA in social welfare and a BA in French and French Literature from Seoul National University (Republic of Korea).
Field of study: International development
Research interests: development discourse and practice, human rights, social justice, global citizenship, and corporate social responsibility
Publications (link): https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=g5Nf_ZIAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Connection with Australia
1) Work experience at the University of Western Australia and Australian Catholic University
2) PhD at the University of Queensland
3) Professional membership of the Development Studies Association of Australia, the Australian Sociological Association, and the Australian Association of Social Worker
Contact info: jae-eun.noh@uwa.edu.au