
Researcher Profiles and Publications

Dr. David Parkinson (KASI) - Science - Cosmology


Dr Parkinson received a doctoral degree in Cosmology at the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth in the UK. In 2010 he moved to the University of Queensland in Brisbane, where we worked as a postdoctoral researcher, fixed-term lecturer and ARC Future Fellow. In 2017 he moved to the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), where he is currently a Senior Researcher, as well as a professor at the University of Science and Technology in Daejeon. 


Field of study: Cosmology, theoretical astrophysics, fundamental physics


Research interests: Dr Parkinson’s research area is focussed on using measurements of the expansion and large-scale structure of the Universe to test models of fundamental physics. He is working on finding the cause of the mysterious dark energy, that drives the late time acceleration of the Universe, as well as testing gravity and the initial conditions of the Big Bang.


Publications (link): https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=v-vJYCwAAAAJ&hl=en 


Connection with Australia: Currently, Dr Parkinson is an Honorary Senior Fellow at the University of Queensland.


Contact info
Webpage: http://cosmology.kasi.re.kr/members.php?member=david 
Email: davidparkinson@kasi.re.kr