
Researcher Profiles and Publications

Dr. Dong Jun Kim (University of New South Wales) - Science - Chemistry




Dr Kim received a doctoral degree in Materials Science and Engineering at Korea Advanced Science and Technology (KAIST). Starting from 2015, Dr Kim joined the Stoddart group at Northwestern University, USA to pursue a postdoctoral fellowship. During this time, he was a Group Leader for the Energy Storage Project of the NU-KACST partnership. Currently, he is a lecturer in the School of Chemistry at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney.


Field of study: Energy storage, rechargeable batteries, supramolecular chemistry, molecular machines


Research interests: Kim’s group research area encompasses designing novel materials for rechargeable batteries utilising supramolecular chemistry. In particular, his group develops next-generation energy storage devices, such as rechargeable batteries. His expertise includes supramolecular compound synthesis, characterisation, in-situ electrochemical property measurement, electrochemical device fabrication, and measurement.


Publications (link): https://scholar.google.co.kr/citations?user=HX-IyEYAAAAJ&hl=en


Connection with Australia: Currently, Dr Kim holds a lecturer, research-and-teaching, position in the School of Chemistry at the University of New South Wales.


Contact info
Webpage: kimdongjun.net
Email: dongjun.kim@unsw.edu.au